Wednesday, March 2, 2022

NC Peking Duck - City of Industry, CA

Another Chinese-app carry-out, courtesy of my marvelous mom. She can’t feel me from a-close so she found a way to feed me from afar. 

And the City of Industry is way too far too realistically venture, but apparently the Chinese apps will work wonders to deliver. 

The Steamed Buns are still toasty when they arrive, and encased in a fluffy capsule. The filling is perfectly balanced, with pork so savory and cabbage notes both aromatic and rustically sweet.

Onions make Sauteed Lamb Slices pop, keeping your focus on the game. 

The Sauteed Beef Fillet with Black Pepper is simply that but the flavor is fierce, that pepper gives it a harder edge, and the quantity rides the line between bitter and brave. 

Mao Ze Dong Pork is the real reason you’re here, though I do want to try the duck one day. This stuff is supposed to be the finest “red-cooked” pork belly there is, and it takes real balls to bear the name of the chairman. For those who don’t know, this is supposed to be his favorite dish, so restraints will claim their recipe is religion. This iteration glows fiery red. A sugar-coat that is super light on the soy sauce covers the lines of dripping juice. A side of simply-steamed bok choy checks the flavorful fat, and this just might be the best pork preparation I’ve had to date. 

I liked every dish, and I suspect they have more depth, despite being more known for their duck. I do want their duck, but I wouldn’t hesitate to go back for the bao, and I’d repeat the pork in a heartbeat.

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