The tacos are not cheap, but legit Mexican food in the uber-commercial Charger Commons doesn't have to be.
Gaze at the crinkle-style, stall-front counter hued in soothing white with popping bright blue while you wait in line, and then march outside to claim an umbrellaed table on the concrete patio.
The decor is meant to set expectations - pretty and carefully prepared but hardly dainty. Smush your face into an entire ear of Elote, and feel your teeth piece the flesh on each sweet kernel of corn. That cheese is made for smearing.
Bow to the taco to devour the Taco Trio properly, and lick your fingers as they catch the meat and juices that drip out the back. Try the smoky asada, tender cubes of tongue, and whatever else you want. I went for the tripa, which is fun for some, but definitely not for all. The chewy, fluid fat is bland by itself and will make a squeamish person gag. It's super, super soft, almost mushy on the inside, off-putting in isolation but absolutely amazing when you wrap it in a tortilla and add layers of salsa and spice.
Two for two at Charger Commons, Tacomasa tied for first. Between that and Calif Chicken Cafe, you have two solid choices, subject only to your craving.
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