Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Jin Hai Pie House - Monterey Park

A lovely SGV mom-and-pop, serving northern Chinese classics, specializing in anything with a wrapper. 

You're here for the pie so be sure to focus your order. It gets pretty hot in here on a summer day so we started with a couple of colder apps. 

Cold Cucumber with Garlic is refreshing and light.

Cold Tofu & Thousand Year Egg can be quite filling, and I forgot how much I like those gelatinous eggs with the tarry yolk. Neither will impress, but both are fine if you want them. 

Pork & Cabbage Dumplings are well-made, much like what you'd have at your auntie's dinner party.

The Shrimp & Pork Wonton Soup may be a sleeper hit. The wonton wrappers are just great, the filling is tender, and there's plenty of flavor in the soup, especially from the seaweed and cilantro. 

The House Special Pie is the main event. Each order comes with four filling circles, perfect for sharing with a bigger group. The crust is thicker than a dumpling but still crispy and delightfully thin relative to size. These are stuffed with ground pork so juicy there's even a spoonful of soup to slurp when you break the seal. The steam that rises when you bite into your pie will sate your senses, and each pocket even embeds an entire shrimp for more sweetness. 

There are plenty of fillings if you're not a fan of pork. Order to your tastes - every pie is equally juicy and absolutely amazing. The Lamb & Green Onion Pie has a gamier, meatier finish, but the scallion tempers the mince to make it a lot less heavy. 

Skip the other stuff, go straight to the pie, though there are some pretty fantastic-looking potstickers I won't be skipping next time. My bucket list for the SGV is extensive, and I'm on a mission to try them all before I double back, but I do think I'd come here again for the comfort food sooner than that. 

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