Thursday, June 13, 2024

Waka Sakura - Gardena

Hottest new sushi place in the South Bay, described as an "upscale conveyor belt". 

I just had to see what the fuss was about, and there's no time better than lunchtime on a Monday. You get a table right away when there's no line, and the interior is beautiful, full of wood paneling and mood lighting so you forget you're a supermarket's second floor. 

You choose up to four items at a time on a touch screen, and the food is whisked your way as soon as it's made to order.

Fried Calamari
comes crackling hot, a few heads with a side of mayo. 

Nigiri comes two by two, all on very pretty plates. 

Red Shrimp, Eel, something seared that I can't recall (yellowtail?), and Seared Scallop with spicy mayo are all quite fresh. 

Other can't-go-wrong choices include Yellowtail Belly, Sweet Shrimp, Octopus, and Tsubagai.

Rolls are solid are well, including a crunchy Salmon Skin 

and a Dragon Roll with avocado and eel. 

They also have fun combos like the Salmon Party where you get six forms of salmon. 

And I know it's sad to say this at a sushi place, but the Wagyu Beef Trio was my favorite. All slices are good, all sauces are great. 

I didn't love it. I left with mixed feelings, maybe because I bought into the hype. The fish is good, no doubt, and it's a solid deal at this price point, but I didn't love their rice. The texture was on the mushy side, and it just doesn't hold together well. I liked it overall and would absolutely go back, but I'm not sure it's as exceptional as it is Instagrammable, and I'm even less sure about what purpose the conveyor belt serves.

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