Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Miyabi Uni UPDATE - Torrance

We caught them during a promo week; Free upgrades of all house uni to Hokkaido, and we were ready to gorge. 

It isn't until the server repeats your order three times to confirm that you truly want this obscene amount of food AND another server feels compelled to ask him if he heard correctly, that you realize what you've done. 

We'll start with the Uni Tomagoyaki. The omelet is fluffy with a dashi that is divine, but I think I just like uni better cold and raw. That said, this dish makes a delightful leftover if you eat it cold later. 

Yes, we want everything large. Yes, we want one large Miyabi Kaisen EACH. And each bowl is beautiful. The uni is unspeakably fresh and sweet, the salmon is stunning, the scallops are slick, the tuna is meaty, the toro liquid-fat. The ikura is most impressive. Zero fishiness, a gooey and almost sweet finish. The last time I had ikura like this was Jiro's in Japan. 

Plenty of other options if you prefer a more focused approach. A small Uni Scallop Salmon & Roe gives you more control over the contents, which are equal in quality but seem far less sumptuous after experiencing the kaisen in all its glory. 

Yes, we ALSO want a LARGE uni bowl to share. I don't need to say anything about this. Greatness requires no explanation. 

If you want something a little less raw, the Uni Cream Pasta will save you. Imagine the polar opposite of sushi/sashimi, and you'll see it here. The cream sauce sticks to every strand of spaghetti, and there's plenty of uni throughout the sauce. 

If you've left room for dessert somehow, the Yuzu Sorbet is creamy but also refreshing, much more sweet than citrus.   

The Matcha Tiramisu is amazing, with mascarpone cream that finishes light despite being beautifully dense. The matcha flavor is full but without the bitter finish, each layer its own delight. 

Come at lunch to escape the crowds or come for dinner if you want a little more glamour. If you want the best uni in town in a very large quantity, come anytime. It's barely a splurge at this price point considering the quality and the goods. 

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