Monday, January 24, 2022

Offset Coffee - Torrance

Pre-pandemic, before baby, back when I had time to sit in a coffee shop to study, to stew, or just to get things done without the distractions of home, Offset would have been my jam. I would have spent hours sipping a cuppa coffee, savoring the tranquility, relishing the quiet buzz.

That part of my life is over, but my love for Offset is not. They sell their blends in bags, made for your home grinder so you can bring the magic back. 

But once in a while, we do get a moment to grab something to go. I love my classic Cappuccino, and they know how to make one right. And what's coffee without a sweet, crumbly slab of Coffee Cake?

The menu is overwhelming, but sticking with a simple Drip Coffee will always be a win.. Pair with this fall/winter Galette, a flaky crust-purse full of sweet sliced apple. 

I love Offset. Come for a cup of the best coffee in Torrance! 

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