Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Common Crema Cafe - Long Beach

I've always been a Francophile, but it's all about the Spanish in SoCal. But the French have a way of crepe-ing up on me when I least expect it, especially at a cafe whose name is likely Spanish.

This cafe brews a pretty good cup of unlimited cafe, just make sure it's not too lait in the day to enjoy a cup. And I can't think of a much better way to start your day than coffee and a Breakfast Crepe. I chose it without the chorizo, which makes it a little blander but lightens it up a lot. Eggs with potato and avocado are always a winning combination, and you'd be an oeuf if you didn't pay the extra for sweet potato fries.

The breakfast crepe was a winner even if I was a wiener for skipping the Spanish sausage. The Proscuitto & Mozzerella Crepe, however, turned out to be a franc-ly terrible choice. The sheer amount of proscuitto was an overshoot, and even the chewy strings of mozzerella couldn't save me from succumbing to the feuille affect of the half-bottle of olive oil that drenched it. Nausea can be quite the pest-o when you're trying to enjoy your day.

Crema Cafe was okay, but if I'm going to drive all the way to Long Beach I need a better reason. I definitely don't regret going, but Eiffel-ly support the decisions to go somewhere else. 3 stars for an honest effort, but I'd add one more star if my crepe could be oil-frite.

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