Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Abalone – Dalian

There are numerous ways to serve Abalone, and there is no way to decide which I prefer. Those pictured are simply seared to perfection with unassuming soy sauce and a touch of garlic. Abalone is the Renaissance mollusk, pleasing to all audiences, master of all culinary craft. Abalone is tender and juicy for those who don’t like to chew but maintains some firmness to bargain with those who gag at slime. Abalone can soak in some flavor but never enough to overpower its own, no matter how potent the sauce. Its pearly ovoid symmetry and beautiful green-lustre shell appease aesthetics, and the neutral flavor fails to faze even the biggest seafood skeptics. Those who can’t stand the stench of sea smell none, and the meaty feel of the flesh humors the chest-thumping hunter-gatherer. Although it is classified as a mollusk, abalone stands alone.  Its contribution to the art of cuisine places it in a class of its own.

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