Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Cookie Plug - Cathedral City, CA

Cookies the size of mini-cakes, every flavor, every color. Don't get the dozen unless you're a party of six or more because even one of these dense delights can overwhelm a solo eater. For the full experience, I recommend you grab a knife and try them all.

Every flavor, L to R:
Chocolate Chip is chocolate chip. The chips are a rich and substantial chocolate so the cookie doesn't taste cheap. 
Triple Chocolate: What can I say? Decadent but actually not too heavy to thoroughly enjoy. 
Strawberry Cheesecake: You do taste a bit of the cheese and a hint of that artificial strawberry flavor. Delicious dessert overall, a cookie with a hint of creamy cheese.
M&M Mix: Chocolate chip with a crunchy shell. The texture makes a difference. 

Chocolate Peanut Butter: Chocolate with a significant scoop of goop. Good stuff.
Snickerdoodle: Cinnamon-sugar dough, a coated classic. 
Cookies and Cream: Yum-yum, though the "cream" is just white chocolate. 
White Chip Macadamia Nut: White chocolate with the mac nuts. 

S'mores: My fave - I'll melt for a marshmallow. 
Purple Velvet: A radioactive level of fun but otherwise just a cookie with white chips. 
I ordered Fruity Pebbles, but I think I got Fun 'Fetti. Sugar cookie crusted with sprinkles. Not a thrill but the cookie is pretty and the texture is fun. 
Monthly Flavor: White Chip Macadamia Nut dyed blue? Sure, why nut?

Desert cookies in the dessert, what's not to like? A dozen may be a bit much, but make a splurge when decadence is in demand!

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