Thursday, June 8, 2017

Beachwood Blendery - Long Beach

This is a blog for food, not booze... Oh wait, it's my blog. So technically, it's about whatever the hell I want. Looks like I'm going to start adding my boozy bucket list to the mix.

IPA Week at Naja's paved the way for something that's been a long time coming. What goes with food if not booze...can you think of any explanation more logical?

So there is Beachwood. All sorts of beers are brewed at Beachwood, and everything they touch tastes awesome. But it's at the Blendery where you can see their minds run away. The narrative-style names are a foot long, a steam-of-consciousness playground for all sorts of experimentation. 

From handle to end: 
The Dia de los Mangos has so many layers. The first sip is sweeter mango, and the second adds a tamarind sour. The pepper creeps up on the third, and your mouth starts to sting from a delightful carbonated burn.
The Brett Saison is the only sane one in the room. It's fresh, it's normal, and it sure it pretty.
Chaos it's a Friend of Mine, a standard sour erring on the side of sour. Like it, but it's not my favorite sour.
The Come in Grape Muscat is one that's really different. The muscat grapes add a syrupy sweet that throws a handful of dessert wine into the mix.

We can't walk away from all that empty-handed so we leave with the spicy mango and a Careful with the Fruit Salad, Eugene, which is literally a mash-up of a fruit cup. 

So much to try, but so far to drive. Beachwood Blendery is worth the effort and worth the gas, but man, I wish it wasn't so far away.

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