Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mikawaya – Los Angeles

Everyone loves a happy ending. Disney caters to our desire shamelessly, massage parlors capitalize on it, and places like Mikawaya make a killing on people’s desire for every ending to be sweet.

You’d think nothing could be sweeter than a perfect bowl of Little Tokyo ramen, but not much can match the sweet n’ starchy munchies called mochi.

Any mochi would do, but Mikawaya mochi was mediocre at best. The Mango Mochi Ice Cream was muddled by too much milk to make me feel like I had a real dessert, but the Red Bean saved it with just the right textured blend of sweet beans and cream. Disney may put on a good show, but in life our happy endings are rarely as we imagined. And the Mochi-Lato, i.e. mochi with gelato, was as realistic as it get.

The smooth gelato was superb in theory, but in reality the Green Tea is so sugared it tasted just like the Dulce de Leche. If I were blind-folded, I’d probably mix them up.

I love mochi after any meal, but my meal at Mikawaya didn’t end the way I wanted. The mochi is mediocre, and while I’d never decline a dessert, let’s just say that this ending was far from Disney.

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