Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Thai is Better Than Yours UPDATE – Boston


My Thai remains better than yours and it’s even managed to be half-a-star better than mine. My second visit, and believe me, not my last, gave me a renewed liking for bubble tea (brilliant use of coconut milk to keep it vegan!) and a new love for the Bird’s Nest. The beautifully interwoven strips of crispy fried taro house veggies, pineapple, and a chewy mix of great glutinous meats. This delicate-but-deadly-yet-not-so-artery-clogging delight portends a gluttonous meal.

The perfect Penang Beef was a dish worth the risk of peripheral neuropathy. I’d gladly take the B12 deficiency if it meant I got to eat dishes like this for the rest of my life. As long as the neuropathy doesn’t affect my mouth/taste buds, I’ll just sit and eat! Not nearly as memorable as the Bird’s Nest, but a sumptuously sweet curry sauce with chewy strips of beef. The veggies are scrumptiously stir-fried a la Asian, and they don’t look or taste oily so you can pretend it’s healthy.

Another fun activity that few places provide better than My Thai is the ability to believe that your abstaining from meat for one meal will save the world and convince everyone to be more sustainable by following your excellent example. Enjoy your brief vacation in veganism, you cow-saving bad ass!

The Bird’s Nest was clearly an extra half-star. Innovative and practically iconic, this beautiful dish is undoubtedly the crowning glory of My Thai, and if served to the right people, just might help PETA and vegans win the war again animal products. Also undoubtable, is my return to My Thai. After all, this is the only place my Hindu b/f and I can sit down to a steaming dish of beef without being smited by his gods. Just make sure to order medium rare…


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